
New England Family Album

Collection Type

  • Photography



Location Note

photo albums 248 & 249



You can find this within

Browse Collection


Photo album with red snake/alligator print front and back cover containing approximately 30 leaves with 281 snapshots. Photographs are mostly 3 x4 black and white images with some larger photographs ( 3 1/2 x 5 7/8 inches). The first few pages are loose and missing some the photographs. Album appears to be compiled by an unidentified female who appears in some of the photos. The photographs are mostly family portraits, some with scenic and historic places in the background. The trips to Montreal, Canada and the Polar caves in New Hampshire include a page or so of postcard images. The compiler identifies photographs with first names of people and herself as 'I". Family trips to vacation spots throughout New England are documented as well as family portraits and "Nita's Wedding." One photo titled "The Operation" refers to a haircut in the kitchen.

Some of the historic/scenic spots documented include Mt Cranmore, Franconia Notch, Plymouth Rock, Calvin Coolidge house in Plymouth, VT, Waside Inn, Grist Mill and Little Red School House in Sudbury, MA and the Polar Caves in Plymouth, NH.

Collection is an excellent document of family vacations, clothing styles, beaches and bathing suits, wedding attire, and tourist attractions in New England in the 40's.

List of collection
Cape Cod, February 1949
White Mountains August 7 &8, 1948
"our" house August 9, 1948
Plymouth, MA August 11, 1948
Kennebunkport, ME August 21, 1948
Andover, MA July 31, 1948
September 12, 1948
Vermont September 18-19, 1948
Sudbury, MA October 10, 1948
Montreal, Canada November 20,21,22, 1948
February 12, 1948
Nita's Shower March 22, 1949
Nita's Wedding May 7, 1949
Polar caves July 30-31, 1949
"The Operation" July 1949
Nantasket Beach June 1949
Cape Cod August 1949


Descriptive Terms

bathing suits
wedding dresses
historic sites
camps (recreation areas)
photograph albums
black-and-white prints (photographs)

Additional Identification Number

album number 249

Physical Description

1 photograph album; 11 3/4 x 15 1/4 inches

Collection Code


Collection Name

Photograph albums collection

Date of Acquisition


Reference Code


Acquisition Type



Massachusetts (United States)
New Hampshire (United States)
Montreal (Île de Montréal, Quebec, Canada)

Record Details

Material Type

photograph albums
black-and-white prints (photographs)

Descriptive Terms

Cape Cod
White Mountains, New Hampshire
Plymouth, New Hampshire
Kennebunkport, Maine
Sudbury, MA
Montreal, Canada
Nantasket Beach
Polar Caves, Plymouth, NH

Description Level


Location Note

photo albums 248 & 249

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