
"Colonial and English Interiors 59A"

Collection Type

  • Photography


1880-1973, undated



You can find this within

Browse Collection


Photo album titled: "Colonial and English Interiors 59A." Title and volume number are hand printed in black on spine. Album has a beige fabric covering and 112 dark gray pages; approximately twenty of the pages are blank. Album contains approximately 120 mounted black-and-white photographs and several mounted color postcards. Photographs are interior views of New England colonial buildings and one English country house. Buildings shown include: Cook-Oliver House (Salem, MA); Daniel Parker Mansion (Boston, MA); Gore Place (Waltham, MA); Hodges House (Salem, MA); Isaac Royall House (Medford, MA); Jeremiah Lee Mansion (Marblehead, MA); Knole (Sevenoaks, Kent, England); Lindall-Barnard-Andrews House (Salem, MA); Lindens (Danvers, MA); Merchants National Bank (Salem, MA); Peabody House (Salem, MA); Pitman House (Boston, MA); Richard Derby House (Salem, MA); Richard Harrington House (Salem, MA); and the Sam Fowler House (Danvers, MA). Exterior views of Knole ae also included. Frank Cousins (Salem, MA) is identiifed as the photographer of some of the photos of Gore Place, Jeremiah Lee Mansion, and the Sam Fowler House. None of the photographs show the work of A. H. Davenport Co., Irving and Casson, or their successor, Irving and Casson - A. H. Davenport Co. It is assumed that the photographs were used as reference materials. None of the irems in this album have been digitized.


Descriptive Terms

photograph albums
black-and-white photographs

Additional Identification Number

Strong Museum number 108.59A

Physical Description

1 photo album containing 112 pages and approx. 120 photographs (14 3/4 x 12 1/2 x 2 1/2 inches)

Collection Code


Collection Name

Irving and Casson - A. H. Davenport -- Collection I

Date of Acquisition


Reference Code


Acquisition Type

Museum Purchase


14 3/4 x 12 1/2 x 2 1/2 (HxWxD)(inches)

Record Details


Irving & Casson - A. H. Davenport Co. (Compiler)
A. H. Davenport Co. (American furniture manufactory, active late 19th-early 20th centuries) (Compiler)
Irving & Casson
Cousins, Frank, 1851- (Photographer)

Material Type

photograph albums
black-and-white photographs

Other People

Cousins, Frank, 1851-

Description Level


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